Potato -3
1/2 tbsp chillypowder
1/2tbsp jeera
1/4 tbsp Ajwain/Carom seeds
Finely chopped chillies
Finely Chopped Onions
Finely grated Carrot
Sev lemon
Boil potatoes and mash them.Add carom seeds,jeera,finely chopped chillies and chopped corriander Mix everything and keep aside.Chop onions finely. Grate carrot finely.
Now take a big potato(jacket potato) and chop potato like finger chips as shown in figure. Deep fry them in oil and put it in a tissue paper.
Make them like baskets. Take two coffee/tea steel filters,put potato in one filter and place another filter on top of potato. Now dip both filters in hot oil,take it out and place them on tissue paper.
If you dont have filters, here is the solution. Take handful of potato and put them in oil,leave them for some time(dont mix with any spoon) until it turns golden colour. It will form as shown in figure.
Now place a potato basket on a plate,put spiced potato mash like a patty on it. Now add onions , lemon juice, carrot and sev.
Tip of the day:
Fruit (other than berries) shouldn’t be stored in the fridge
Entertainment of the Day:
Word of the Day:
Eat to live, but do not live to eat
Man was created for a divine purpose and he has a destiny with his Creator
- he was not born just to enjoy food.