Ingredients :
Borugulu/Maramaralu -3 cups
Chopped onions - 1/2 onion
Slitted chillies - 2
Curry leaves -6 or 7
Mustard seeds -1/4 tbsp
Channa dhal -1/2 tbsp
Turmeric -1or2 pinch
Oil -1/2 tbsp
Putnala pappu powder
1. Soak borugulu/maramaralu in water for 10 mins.
2. Squeeze them and keep aside.
5.Now add chopped onions , chillies and turmeric and fry untill onoins becomes soft.
7. Finally add putnala pappu powder as per your taste.
Serve Uggani with Mirapakaya Bajji.
Mirapakaya Bajji is very good combination for Uggani
Click here for Mirapakaya Bajji Recipe
Tip of the day:
Before peeling an onion hold it under the hot water tap for a few seconds. The peel won't flake all over the place and it becomes pliable and comes off in bigger pieces.
Entertainment of the Day:
Word of the Day:
Fire is a good servant but a bad master
Fire, like any other manmade tool or device, will serve man well only when it is controlled and used wisely.